Κυριακή 29 Ιουλίου 2012

Greek Orthodox Church in the Israel (Holy Land)

Languages: English, Hebrew The Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem is considered the “Mother Church” of the Holy Land. The biggest single group of Holy Land Christians belongs to this Church and many Christians who belong today to other Churches have their origins in the Greek Orthodox Church. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem sees itself as a direct descendant of the chair of St James the Apostle, venerated as first bishop of Jerusalem. The Church celebrates its liturgy in the Byzantine rite, whose original language is Greek, and follows its own calendar of feasts, preserving the Julian calendar (that is thirteen days behind the Western (Gregorian) calendar. Although most Greek Orthodox Christians in the Holy Land are Arabs and Greek refers to the original language of the liturgy of the Church, ethnic Greek priests administer the Church. The Patriarch, the vast majority of bishops and many of the monks are thus ethnic Greeks whilst the lower clergy are mostly Arabs. In the course of its history, the Church began to celebrate the liturgy in Arabic for the numerous parishes of Arab faithful where Greek is neither spoken nor understood. The Greek Orthodox Church is also a custodian of the Holy Places in the Holy Land, maintaining an unbroken presence at the two most important churches: the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem (in Greek and Arabic, the Church of the Resurrection) and the Nativity in Bethlehem. The seat of the Patriarchate is in Jerusalem, where the Patriarch is assisted by numerous bishops and administers parishes, monasteries and other institutions in Israel, the Palestinian territories and in Jordan, also directing a network of schools and centers of social service. One of the best schools in the Arab sector in Israel is the Orthodox School in Haifa. The Church has a seminary for training the clergy on Mount Zion. The Church owns extensive properties throughout the Holy Land, making it one the most important landowners in the area. The supreme authority in the Church is the Fraternity of the Holy Sepulcher that elects the Patriarch. The Patriarch of Jerusalem, because of Jerusalem’s historic and symbolic importance, is looked upon with particular esteem by the other Orthodox Patriarchs. Greek Orthodox churches can be found throughout the Holy Land. At the Holy Places, Greek Orthodox churches often exist alongside Roman Catholic and/or Armenian churches that commemorate the same event (eg. Bethlehem, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Capharnaum, etc). The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is shared by numerous denominations, most importantly by the Greek Orthodox, Armenians and Roman Catholics with smaller chapels belonging to the Syrian Orthodox, the Copts and the Ethiopians. Greek Orthodox parishes are to be found in most towns and many villages throughout Israel and Palestine.

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