Σάββατο 5 Μαρτίου 2011

The Holy Monastery of Martha and Maria in Bethany.

The country town of Bethany is well known to all the Christians from the resurrection of Lazarus, and lies east of the Mount of Olives. It is inhabited by Fellahin Muslims who call it Azarie. Here lies the tomb of Lazarus. Approximately forty meters south of the tomb of Lazarus there are other ruins which are said to be the house of Martha and Mary over which earlier there was a church. At the southeast areas (approx. 200 meters) of Bethany by the road that leadas to the Jordan River, there is a rock that has the shape of the back (spine) of a donkey. On this rock it is said that our Saviour sat before entering the town and there having been met by the sister of Lazarus Martha who then fell to His feet saying: “If You were here, my brother would not have died”. This rock the Arabs call “Hmer-Azar” (donkey of Lazarus).

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